Science Statement

‘With joyful hearts, we love, learn and praise as the family of God’


At Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School our vision is to give children a Science curriculum which enables them to explore and discover the world around them, their bodies and our animal kingdom so that they have a deeper understanding of the world we live in. Our pupils are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, make predictions and draw conclusions. We aim to equip children with the knowledge, skills and understanding of the world and their place in it. We build high levels of competence in scientific knowledge and working scientifically across the strands of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Whereby children are able to develop their critical thinking skills.


Please click here to see the Long Term Plan for this year.

We achieve this through exciting, practical experiences that encourage curiosity, questioning and a deep interest in Science. Alongside these stimulating and challenging experiences we help children to secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, enabling them to acquire a deep scientific knowledge and a thirst for learning.

We teach Science through the National Curriculum framework 2014 and ensure that children are equipped with scientific knowledge and understanding as well as working scientifically. We cater for the needs of all our pupils, ensuring there is a breadth of teaching styles and activities in place.

Science is delivered as a discrete subject to every class on a weekly basis. Cross curricular links are made to many other subjects including Mathematics, English, DT and RSE.

All science topics begin with assessing what the children already know to allow teachers to gage a clear picture of children’s knowledge and level of understanding. Science is assessed through formative assessment at the end of each topic, ensuring that misconceptions can be addressed and teaching and learning can be informed to achieve the best outcomes for every child. Children are also continuously monitored and assessed in both their scientific knowledge and their ability to work scientifically.

Electronic floor books are kept as a record of children working scientifically.


Our curriculum will ensure that children are able to use scientific vocabulary effectively. They will be able to gather, interpret and analyse data, draw conclusions and use a range of sources and materials. These skills will not only give them a deep scientific knowledge and understanding, but a wealth of skills transferable to other subjects and their future employment opportunities.

We believe that these opportunities will ensure that our children are confident, life-long learners who will explore the world around them. That they will become leaders in science-based jobs and opportunities, that they will continue to question, seek answers and use their skills to help the world progress. They will be lifelong critical thinkers.